The Power to Save Lives
Service Rental or Purchase
Three Reasons for an AED
- One in 500 adults suffer sudden cardiac arrest every year
- For each minute without defibrillation, the chances of survival drop by 7 % - 10 % 1,2
- An AED with full service starts at £0.99 a day
- Perkins GD, Cooke MW. Variability in cardiac arrest survival: the NHS Ambulance Service Quality Indicators, Emerg Med J 2012;29:3-5 doi:10.1136/emermed-2011-200758
- Nolan JP, Soar J, Zideman DA, Biarent D, Bossaert LL, Deakin C, Koster RW, Wyllie J, Boettiger B. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010 Section 1. Executive summary. Resuscitation 2010;81:1219- 76.